Word Trix

Word Trix

Category: Game
Type: Word
Cost: FREE
Rating: 4+
Current iTunes Reviews: 163 ratings, 2.5 stars
Based on the award winning WordTrix games on the PC!

When you start a new game, one letter at a time will fall from the top of the screen to the bottom. The object of the game is to make the letters fall in such a way that they spell a word. The words can be any English word from 3-5 characters in length, and can be arranged either top-to-down or left-to-right, just like a crossword puzzle!

The controls are fairly simple. You make a swiping motion with your finger anywhere on the screen to place the letter. The speed of the game starts at a rather leisurely pace. After every level, the speed will increase!

After approximately every five formed words, a special block will appear. Every letter that is on the screen that this block falls on will be cleared! This is handy for those pesky Q, X, and Z pieces!

There is an extra incentive for finding words within words. You will get points for every word contained within the word! For example, if you spell 'CRAMP', you will get points for 'CRAMP', 'CRAM', 'RAMP', 'RAM', and 'AMP'!

If the letters pile to the top, the game is over!

Choose from 3 awesome themes with 30 dazzling backgrounds for every optical taste!

You can even post your score online and match it with others from your country!

Still not convinced? Take a look at the screenshots!

If you love games like WordFu, Tetris, Crosswords, and Scrabble, you will definitely love WordTrix!

I am open to suggestions and have several updates in the works.
Word Trix is a very fun word puzzle game. The iTunes information from above essentially covers the "how-to," so I will stick to the review here. I really enjoy the tetris style gameplay - it's certainly a unique spin on that sort of game. I think the developer has an excellent idea here, and a very well made game. The game simply needs a little more work and polishing to be as good as it can be.

The biggest flaw with Word Trix is that there is simply no learning curve. The letters begin falling slowly, and within a brief period of time, they are simply moving too fast to really see what is going on. The other issue is that vowels seem to be few and far between - in a game like this, the vowels really ought to be weighted more than the average letter.

If you can ignore those flaws, it's actually a quite good game. It's not really something you can spend hours on, but do you really expect that from a free game? Since it's currently a free app, and the developer claims to have updates being worked on, I'd say go ahead and get it. If nothing else, it's better than another 2 minute lite trial.

Overall impression: 6/10
Value for your money: 10/10 - it's free!