First Post

Alright folks, here goes nothing! My very first post. I sincerely hope this blog ends up becomming something special.

My name is Nicole, and I am an avid Mac addict. I joined the wonderful world of Apple in 2004, when I purchased my first Mac computer - a G5 tower and beautiful 30 inch display. Since then, every time Apple makes a new, exciting product, I'm always dying to be one of the first to try it out. It only makes sense that I immediately jumped at the chance to get an iPhone when they first came onto the market 2 years ago! My beautiful iPhone has been upgraded a little since then ;) I'm currently using a shiny new 32gb 3GS, in white. My absolute favorite toy - and that says something, considering I'm a complete gadget and technology nerd!

Anyway, like many other iPhone fanatics, I have an utter addiction to the App Store. My app list on my iPhone is constantly maxed out; I'm just waiting for Apple to release an update that allows more than the standard 148 apps (147 on the 3GS!). I wanted to bring that passion to the world, and as such, I will be submitting reviews of every app I download. Some will be free applications, some will be paid. Some may even be lite versions - it all depends on my mood and bank account!

Want me to review your application, or just one you're interested in? I gladly accept requests, sent to If you have a promo code that you can send, I guarantee a posted review and rating.
